Picture of Mathias 4471
Registered 5 years 157 days
+16 −0 Open for Voting
Mathias 4471 Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 03:12 PM
16 of 16 users support this suggestion
Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts

Many customers have asked, if it is possible to just scroll through their imported contacts in the contacts App.
Right now if you open the contacts app, you get presented a completely empty app with only a search field in the top left corner.
Then you have to enter something in the field to see some entries.

I tried working around that problem by putting in a + in the search field, cause every number starts with + but it caps out at showing 22 entries. (I guess randomly chosen ones)

It would be good to be able to open the contacts app and getting shown all the available contacts that I have access to.
Then if I want to I can either scroll through them until I find what I need, or narrow it down with typing something in the field on the top left.
Ideally being also able to choose a directory through a dropdown menu next to the search field.

Most customers think, that they don't have any entries in their phonebook at all, because they open the contacts app and don't see any entries at all.




Viele Kunden haben mich inzwischen gefragt, ob es nicht möglich sei, durch all seine verfügbaren importierten Kontakte zu scrollen.
Wenn man die App aktuell öffnet, findet man ein leeres Ergebnis vor und muss erst etwas in das Suchfeld links oben eingeben, um Ergebnisse angezeigt zu bekommen.

Ich habe versucht, das zu umgehen, indem ich ein + eingebe um alle Einträge angezeigt zu bekommen, da alle Nummern mit + beginnen, aber die Contacts App scheint bei 22 angezeigten Ergebnissen zu limitieren (und zeigt scheinbar zufällig gewählte Ergebnisse an.)

Es wäre super, wenn man die Contacts öffnen könnte und würde erstmal alle verfügbaren Kontakte angezeigt bekommen, so dass man sie durchscrollen kann und bei Bedarf die Suche durch Eingabe in das Suchfeld links oben einschränken kann. Idealerweise könnte man zudem ein gewünschtes Verzeichnis mit einem Dropdown Menü neben dem Suchfeld auswählen.

Die meisten Kunden denken erstmal, sie hätten kein Telefonbuch im System, weil sie die App öffnen und finden keine Einträge vor.

Moderator Registered 9 years 218 days
Jérémie Bidal (innovaphone) Friday, 21 June 2024, 03:09 PM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts

I am not sure that it is a good thing or not. imagine you have a million of contact uploaded in contact App DB.. what would be the display logic ? first xxx entries or queries a million of contacts ?

Maybe a simple text displayed by default : "Type something to search your contact" would help the user to have a better user experience with contact app ?
Also I would see the search field in the middle of the App UI p and not at the top left corner. What do you think ?

Have you though to provide the Search app ? that can also queries contact app api ?

Jérémie | innovaphone
Picture of Mathias 4471
Registered 5 years 157 days
Mathias 4471 Friday, 21 June 2024, 03:54 PM
Re: Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts
Hi Jeremie,

I can not really comment on customers which have millions of entries in their contacts DB cause we do not have such customers nor do we have that many ourselves.
The average customer has between 50 and 500 I would say, some may have a few thousand max. and I can just provide you the things that I got told by many customers that actually use the contacts app.
And that is, that they would like to just open a telephone book, scroll through and see their entries in the UI.
Then if they want to, they can narrow down the search with the search field.

And not only customers had this opinion, also a lot of internal collegues asked me if I could change it to show the contacts by default.
I myself also find it kind of strange to just get presented an empty field when I open the app. It just looks like I don't have any contacts in my system.

Of course, a text that makes it clear, you have to type something in in order to get entries listed would be a first step and would be better than nothing, but I guess most people would still like to get all the entries displayed
(like 100 per page or something and you can then click through pages, of course you don't want to list thousands of contacts in the first page, which I guess would kill performance)

We personally are on 13r3 at the moment and have only checked out 14r1 in the testsystem, so the search app is not yet on our live system.
It would not exactly solve the case where you can't quite remember the name of the contact you want to search, and just want to scroll through your medium amount of contacts to find it.

Moderator Registered 9 years 218 days
Jérémie Bidal (innovaphone) Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 04:59 PM
Re: Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts
Hi Matthias Hi Niels

Understood. I think the main issue is the load on the available resources in my opinion (but it's just my opinion as a non-developer :P). Do not forget that not only one service is running on the same machine, so I took a worst case scenario (which might not reflect the reality) smile

Meanwhile, I also shared my idea internally with the developer and I got a feedback from them about it, here it is:

The idea we agreed on is to show some recent or frequently contacted contacts there after the app starts. We have added this to our future development of the contact app.

The developer has asked for some feedback from you about this idea, so feel free to let us your though about itsmile.

Another question for you about the number of entries to show:
- if you want to have like 100 entries, what would be the display logic ? display alphabetically ? let the user decide the logic ?
- why would the user want to scroll through the contact app ? what are they looking for in their contact ? phone number or other info ?

I want to have a good use case that I can give to our developer internally.

Thank you very much for your feedback, we are always looking forward to improving our software.


Picture of Mathias 4471
Registered 5 years 157 days
Mathias 4471 Thursday, 27 June 2024, 07:51 AM
Re: Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts
Hi Jeremie,

Ideally the user can choose themselves what display logic to apply.
I'd suggest alphabetically for Name, DisplayName, maybe Company.

I would guess in case a user scrolls through their contacts they are searching for a Name that doesn't quite come to their mind but they know what they search for when they see it. (happened to all of us I guess)

In general I think this case will apply mostly to the people with smaller contacts archives with like up to 100 entries, they just want to go in there, quickly scroll to the person they want to call and click it, without the need to first type something in.
Just mouse only use of the software.

Moderator Registered 9 years 218 days
Jérémie Bidal (innovaphone) Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 03:06 PM
Re: Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts
Hi Nils Hi Matthias,

Thank you for your replies.

I have sent your ideas internally to the developer, for sure they will improve the UI of the contact app for 15r1 and its display logic but I cannot tell you today what will be added or not exactly. Stay tuned for the next versions ;).

Best regards,
Jérémie Bidal
Picture of Muschelpuster
Registered 7 years 288 days
Muschelpuster Friday, 21 June 2024, 05:23 PM in response to Jérémie Bidal (innovaphone)
2 of 2 users consider this post helpful
Re: Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts
I think it should work for every size of the contacts database. I can't see the problem. The client can load only the displayed contacts plus an overhead for scrolling. If the user leaves this range by scrolling, a new request is loading the new range.

Picture of Mustafa 6757
Registered 1 year 46 days
Mustafa 6757 Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 11:51 AM in response to Mathias 4471
Re: Contacts: Being able to scroll through all available contacts
I would like to join the thread starter. I think it's a good idea to display a specific set of imported contacts upon opening and to have the option to sort the displayed contacts. Maybe even a Set of most contacted in a split table.


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