Picture of Davy 1454
Registered 10 years 260 days
+23 −1 Open for Voting
Davy 1454 Friday, 16 February 2024, 11:16 AM
23 of 24 users support this suggestion
myApps-Mobile: QR code to autologon user on mobile device

I think, a nice feature would be to generate a qr code in myapps to add a smartphone.
By scanning qr, the mobile device download the app, fills in pbx url and logs in the user with softphone as default.

Additionally it would be nice to generate these codes en send them to the email that corresponds with the user.

This would save a lot of time and support calls to link the customer devices to the pbx.

Thanks in advance.
Davy Bert

Picture of Davy 1454
Registered 10 years 260 days
Davy 1454 Friday, 16 February 2024, 11:23 AM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: myApps-Mobile: QR code to autologon user on mobile device
little edit:

Additionally it would be nice to generate these codes "in contact admin" and send them to the email that corresponds with the user.
Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 7 years 242 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 03:44 PM in response to Davy 1454
Re: myApps-Mobile: QR code to autologon user on mobile device
Hi Davy,

I don't think that it is a good Idea to add the credentials for login into a QR-code, because of security.

You can however easily provide a QR-code via a Web App, that redirects to a webpage with multiple links and information for the users.

For example the link to the Google play store, a link to the Apple store and a link to the myApps server URL.

The credentials to use, would be preferable the Windows credentials via OAuth2 authentication and 2FA/MFA configured on the PBX.

Simple example attached.



Picture of Davy 1454
Registered 10 years 260 days
Davy 1454 Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 04:24 PM
Re: myApps-Mobile: QR code to autologon user on mobile device
That's true smile
i would not provide user id and password in the qr.

I would generate a SSO key to tranfer it to the app.
That way the logon is done before the customer has installed the app.
After logon,the sso key, generated in the qr must be deleted after logon.
To generate a new code, the user must enter the password again.

There must be a way to do this in a secure way.

On the other hand... maybe you could generate a qr code that uses a provisioning code for the app.

i do really think this is something that catches attention on sales and makes the life of support more enjoyable smile

Picture of Mathias 4471
Registered 5 years 157 days
Mathias 4471 Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 03:42 PM in response to Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: myApps-Mobile: QR code to autologon user on mobile device

We also think this would be a really needed feature.

At the Minimum having the possibility to pass the serveradress to the app via a QR Code Scan in a already logged in session of myapps on a PC for example.

Ideally of course passing the complete login data and you then only have to 2FA via Email to confirm it and being logged in and good to go.

MyPBX was able to get the complete config via a QR Code scan, so why would it be any more dangerous now with MyApps?

Many customers that were migrated over from V12 now miss that QR Code feature and you can write as many tutorials on how to activate your phone app for your account as you want. The majority of people are not as tech savvy as us technicians and just need a really easy way to get setup and being able to use the system.
Please have another thought about this topic. We would highly support this request.

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