Picture of Yannick 1102
Registered 11 years 133 days
+25 −0 Open for Voting
Yannick 1102 Wednesday, 31 January 2024, 09:03 AM
25 of 25 users support this suggestion
myApps: Linux Client

we have several Linux-based thin clients in use at our customers.
We are currently using the softphone in the browser on the affected clients.
It would be nice if there was a naive Linux client.

Best regards
Picture of Yannick 1102
Registered 11 years 133 days
Yannick 1102 Thursday, 1 February 2024, 02:42 PM
Re: myApps: Linux Client
*native Linux client
Nico Finzel
Moderator Registered 9 years 241 days
Nico Finzel (innovaphone) Thursday, 21 March 2024, 11:45 AM in response to Yannick 1102
Re: myApps: Linux Client
Hi Yannick,

just for understanding, do you want to have a real Linux myApps Client (not browser based) or it is enough if you get a Linux VDI Plugin?

Because you say "thin clients" and for them i would say a a Linux VDI plugin is much better.

Best regards
Picture of Muschelpuster
Registered 7 years 288 days
Muschelpuster Thursday, 21 March 2024, 04:44 PM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: myApps: Linux Client
Hi Nico,

In our organisation, some myApps users on Linux Desktops use myApps Softphone within the browser. For them, a VDI solution would not help, leaving the "real" Linux myApps Client as a more helpful solution. However, the only really missing feature from the browser version is that there is no way to support tel: or phone:-Links, as this would not have installed an XDG MimeType compatible URI-scheme handler for those two schemes.

Maybe more helpful than such a fully-fledged myApps Linux client would be, for example, a simple companion tool/script that could initiate or end calls, that could be registered with a MimeType x-scheme-handler within the Linux desktop, or that could be configured to be used with keyboard shortcuts or headset buttons. I don't know much about web technologies, but maybe there is a way to realise stuff like that with a browser extension or having the browser-based softphone in PWA form. (See https://developer.chrome.com/docs/web-platform/best-practices/url-protocol-handler for inspiration).

Of course, there may be use cases for a myApps Linux client that would not address this. However, from experience, many Linux users usually prefer simple solutions that have a chance to work reliably in the long term and allow adjustments rather than having a feature-rich, hard-maintainable solution.

Picture of Yannick 1102
Registered 11 years 133 days
Yannick 1102 Monday, 25 March 2024, 02:19 PM in response to Nico Finzel (innovaphone)
2 of 2 users consider this post helpful
Re: myApps: Linux Client
Hey Nico,

in our specific case, we would need both :D

We have customers who work via thin clients (a plugin would be helpful here - although Windows and Linux thin clients are also used here), but also customers and employees who use Linux as their operating system.

These customers and employees currently use the browser version. Unfortunately, the browser version does not offer all the functionality that the client version does (most important point, 3-way conference and hotkey function).

Accordingly, we would need a pure Linux application. However, a plugin version will certainly also be very popular smile

Best regards
Picture of Marco 6825
Registered 359 days 15 hours
Marco 6825 Thursday, 4 April 2024, 11:02 AM in response to Nico Finzel (innovaphone)
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: myApps: Linux Client

I also vote for a Linux client.
the browser version has some disadvantages:
  • no call acceptance in the notification window
  • if you use "Auto appear offline" then the status is not set back to "green" when you start working again. The browser window must always be actively opened.
  • Conference cannot be started
  • and the things I haven't noticed yet.

Picture of Dennis Mundt (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 4 years 211 days
Dennis Mundt (innovaphone) Monday, 3 June 2024, 10:53 AM in response to Yannick 1102
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: myApps: Linux Client

although we do not have a complete Linux client in 14r2, we do have a plugin for Linux that allows the local audio devices to be used in TerminalServer environments.
The plugin is currently in the beta phase and it would be very nice if you can test it.
Further information can be found at https://wiki.innovaphone.com/index.php?title=Reference14r2:MyApps_Plugin_for_Virtual_Desktops#Linux

Best regards
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