Picture of Chris 556
Registered 13 years 146 days
Chris 556 Thursday, 25 May 2023, 11:53 AM
PBX manager, Waiting Queue plugin, alphabetical order, order by object number
In case of a lot of Waiting Queues, it is difficult to find in a quick glance the waiting queue I'm looking for in the PBX manager/Waiting queues.

Therefore it would be terrific to be able to have a sorting order in the waiting queue list
Picture of Michael 4939
Registered 4 years 182 days
Michael 4939 Thursday, 1 June 2023, 07:39 PM
Re: PBX manager, Waiting Queue plugin, alphabetical order, order by object number
Yes I agree also a filter were Beautiful
Picture of Bernhard 1993
Registered 9 years 294 days
Bernhard 1993 Thursday, 1 June 2023, 09:33 PM in response to Chris 556
Re: PBX manager, Waiting Queue plugin, alphabetical order, order by object number
i can only agree.
see my feature request. 14r1 Suggestions (innovaphone.com)

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