Picture of Richard 3284
Registered 7 years 357 days
+2 −0 Open for Voting
Richard 3284 Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 10:16 AM
2 of 2 users support this suggestion
MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone

Right now you can't see in MyApps whether a user is logged in on a hard phone. You can see if they are logged in in MyApps, but not all users use the MyApps.
I it possible to add an extra presence status for in or symbol? Especially for the upcoming V13R2 switchboard this is a important thing.

Picture of João Paulo 4747
Registered 5 years 104 days
João Paulo 4747 Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 01:40 PM
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
Hi Richard,

Here in Brazil they also "suffer" from this lack of loggin signaling on hardphones, as users who do not use the myApps application (use the browser or mobile with the screen locked) always signal as disconnected.

Today I cannot create a Call Me button (Widgets) for a hardphone user as it will always appear offline.
Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 8 years 5 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 07:11 PM
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
Hi João Paulo,

For one part, see my answer to Richard. That explains the status.

For the Call Me Button, yes the default script depends on the presence status of the User, which includes the UC online/offline status to present a call to only "agents" that are Online and ready to except a call.
It includes the video option which is not possible without a UC solution on the receivers site.
However it is possible to change the default script or use another script like the one mentioned in this wiki.
You can contact the creator for further details and proposal.

You can have a look at https://conference.karls.nl for an example.
I will send you in a PM a number that you can enter to dial directly to me from this script.


Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 8 years 5 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 06:52 PM in response to Richard 3284
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
Hi Richard, you have to be aware that the Presence Status "Online" is a UC App related presence state that tells you wether this user is logged in on the UC client and is "online" at that moment (PC is not in screensaving mode, Smartphone not in standby, locked screen-mode) A user with only an IP phone is not logged-in in any UC client and therfore never "Online".
The by you mentioned reason, that it shows the user "offline" as persence note for these users is correct. It is a misunderstanding of the empolyee to think that the user is not available at all. They cal still ring the phone.
A kind of workarround that you can create is to set a presence note on these phones. Go to the homescreen of the phone, select the presence and add a note like "Available" or "Available on the phone" and store it.
Know the Switchboard operator will sees the User still "greyed out" (meaning UC offline) but instead of the default text "Offline" it will show the presence note that you just have set.
Don't worry, you dont have to touch all the phones. The Switchboard Operator can set this Presence Note for every user as they wish smile

See example in attachment.


Picture of Richard 3284
Registered 7 years 357 days
Richard 3284 Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 08:03 PM
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
Hi Karl,

I know that and we have had that discussion before. But why should a user do an extra action to set the phone presence. The system knows whether the user is reachable. I have multiple customer that do log out of the phone at the end of the day, changing the presence will be forgotten then.

Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 8 years 5 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Thursday, 3 June 2021, 12:17 AM
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
Hi Richard,

Well it is as it is wink
Actually it's just the wrong mindsetting of the people who have a UC client or Switchboard and add non UC users to their favourites or BLF!
A user with no UC client means, UC presence offline !
A user with only a Phone means, set the Phone presence!

Anyway I added a note to our Developement Ideas for maybe some future improvements.

But actually there is a simple method that needs only one single extra key push for the Phone user and it's called the Presence Key.
  • Create a presence key on the Phone and give it the label name Logged-out icon On-hook, without any presence Note, disable modification on the phone.
  • Via the advanced GUI in the PBX change the Presence like showed in the attachment, Contact tel: Activity working and select open
  • Save the presence setting.
  • On the Phone select the working presence when logged-in
  • Select Logged-out before logging off.
In the presence state Logged-out the default Presence Available aplys and because of no presence note, Offline will be shown. See attachement Logged-out-Offline.

In the presence state Working, The presence is shown working.
See attachement working.

Yes both still greyed out because no UC client is logged in !

If this is still to complicated for somecustomers..... or they are just to lazy to do this key press wink
Arrange a calander integration for presence.
Set as default presence Note, Available.
Create a Kalender entry for NON working hours with the status busy for every Workday and for Weekend days and Holidays.
The presence will automatcally show the defaul presence note Available during working hours untill the next meeting (which will be the Offhours kalender block) or the next real appointment.
During non-working hours the Off-hours appointment block will be shown with the message until the next Worktime yes

Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 8 years 5 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Thursday, 3 June 2021, 12:17 AM
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
Working Working.PNG

Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 8 years 5 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Thursday, 3 June 2021, 12:18 AM in response to Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
Logged-out, showing Offline Logged_out_Offline.PNG

Picture of Richard 3284
Registered 7 years 357 days
Richard 3284 Thursday, 3 June 2021, 08:02 PM
Re: MyApps/Softphone/Phone: Presence display for logged on user on hard phone
I know that's possible, I have implemented that at a site.
I'll not bother you anymore with this question for now.
I'm afraid we won't agree with each other wink . No problem
But hopefully will development come with a brillant idea big grin

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