Picture of Ingo 92
Registered 15 years 191 days
+16 −0 Open for Voting
Ingo 92 Friday, 12 June 2020, 11:26 AM
16 of 16 users support this suggestion
Phone: Favoritenlisten schnell umschalten
Hallo zusammen,

in den Phone-Apps lassen sich Favoritenlisten nur umständlich umschalten.
Besser wäre hier ein Umschalter direkt neben den Favoriten (analog zu myPBX).
Viele User bemängeln dieses.


Picture of Richard 3284
Registered 7 years 357 days
Richard 3284 Friday, 7 August 2020, 10:45 AM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: Phone: Favoritenlisten schnell umschalten
Hi, I would suggest collapsable favorite groups like the groups in the home screen of myapps With Regards Richard Bonkestoter
Picture of stganmat
Registered 3 years 71 days
stganmat Tuesday, 21 December 2021, 04:17 PM
Re: Phone: Favoritenlisten schnell umschalten

can you tell me please how this works?
How can I create this groups?
Where we can create this groups? on the admin interface or on the softphone client?

Picture of Luca 3248
Registered 8 years 13 days
Luca 3248 Monday, 12 October 2020, 04:35 PM in response to Ingo 92
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: Phone: Favoritenlisten schnell umschalten
I would also suggest:

- the possibility of a NON alphabetic order of contacts, in particular on the deskphone Favorites list. Fox example with a flag which activates/disactivates the order.

- the possibility of deploy a predefined favorite list using template (that would save time during installation where the installer has to config the contacts ... )
Picture of Robin 3214
Registered 8 years 33 days
Robin 3214 Monday, 19 October 2020, 01:52 PM in response to Ingo 92
Re: Phone: Favoritenlisten schnell umschalten
why do you still need the group? Favorites are now only useful for the pickup function and for that everything should be on one screen. For the rest you can use the Homescreen Apps
Picture of Norbert 1193
Registered 11 years 181 days
Norbert 1193 Monday, 19 October 2020, 03:24 PM
Re: Phone: Favoritenlisten schnell umschalten
Hello Robin,

you can also add contacts from your external LDAP server, like Metadirectory, to your favorites list. So in case you want to organise your contacts, like "distributors", "clients", etc. you would create groups. This worked very well in myPBX because you could switch between the groups in a jiff. In myApps however you have to open settings, scroll down to Profiles and switch it there. A few of my customers pointed out how inconvenient that is and i also dont see, why innovaphone didnt design a drop-down menu right at the favorites bar.

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