Picture of André 1752
Registered 10 years 133 days
+14 −0 Open for Voting
André 1752 Wednesday, 16 October 2019, 02:24 PM
14 of 14 users support this suggestion
ContactsAdmin: Contact app, delete all entries

we had initially importaed the contacts in the app with a file name we no longer know.

When we now import a new contact list, all original existing contacts are still present.

It would be good to be able to:

a) Delete all entries
b) See what filename an entry was imported with

Currently we don't have a way to remove old entries unless we know the original filename, or get access to the postgres database
Registered 14 years 41 days
Hilti Wednesday, 28 August 2019, 06:32 PM
Re: Contact app, delete all entries
Ich habe es noch nicht selbst getestet, könnte mir jedoch vorstellen, dass das dir weiter hilft. Lass uns wissen ob es funktioniert.

1) Per Putty, einloggen als "admin"


login as: admin

Using keyboard-interactive authentication.


2) Root-Privilegien erlangen


admin@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> su


3) Inhalt der Tabelle "dbs" auflisten. Der Datenbankname für den Parameter "-d" ist dem Apps-Manager zu entnehmen(s.u.).


root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "contacts01" -c "select * from dbs"

id | uri


1 | innocontacts.csv

2 | othercontacts.csv

3 | kontakte.utf8

4 | allcontacts.csv

(4 rows)

4) Datei "kontakte.utf8" löschen. Dabei werden alle zugehörigen Kontakte automatisch mit gelöscht.


root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "contacts01" -c "delete from dbs where id='3'"


5) Kontrolle, dass "kontakte.utf8" nicht mehr vorhanden ist.

root@app-platform|/mnt/sda2/home/admin> psql -d "contacts01" -c "select * from dbs"

id | uri


1 | innocontacts.csv

2 | othercontacts.csv

 4 | allcontacts.csv

(3 rows)


Picture of Luca 3248
Registered 8 years 13 days
Luca 3248 Monday, 4 January 2021, 11:20 AM
Re: Contact app, delete all entries
The Linux CLI is good for technichian but not for users/customer.

The Contacts App should have Contacts Management/Delete from the GUI
Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 8 years 5 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Friday, 18 June 2021, 10:37 AM in response to Hilti
Re: Contact app, delete all entries

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