Registered 10 years 54 days
+2 −0 Open for Voting
Kevin 1414 Monday, 22 July 2024, 02:03 PM
2 of 2 users support this suggestion
Multi Factor Authentication - TOTP (MSFT Auth, Google Auth.)
Da bei der Multi Factor Authentication die E-Mails, durch die Sicherheitschecks von den Mailservern, immer wieder Probleme machen, würden wir es sehr unterstützen, wenn ihr TOTP integriert, damit können andere Programme wie der Microsoft Authenitificator, Google Authenticator, PasswortDepot, usw. auch genutzt werden.

Since the e-mails always cause problems with Multi Factor Authentication due to the security checks from the mail servers, we would very much support it if you integrate TOTP, so that other programs such as Microsoft Authenitificator, Google Authenticator, PasswordDepot, etc. can also be used.
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