Picture of Danny 2274
Registered 9 years 104 days
+6 −0 Open for Voting
Danny 2274 Friday, 31 May 2024, 12:43 PM
6 of 6 users support this suggestion
Phone/Softphone: Display Name of LDAP Object or Datasource for phonebook entries
Currently the phonebook search (either via phone or softphone app) in myApps does not display the data source from which a contact originates.
On the one hand this can become quite irritating if the same contact is found in multiple datasources (e.g. locally via Outlook and from a central Active Directory) and on the other hand UC solutions such as estos ProCall and C4B Xphone offer this feature.

Thus this suggestion:
It would be great, if myApps could display the name of the data source from which a search result originates.
This could be either a fixed value such as "Outlook" or "PBX" (for internal users) or the name of the ldap object from where the result is returned (e.g. "Metadir" or "phonebook").

Best Regards


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