Picture of Michael 4939
Registered 4 years 182 days
+1 −0 Open for Voting
Michael 4939 Wednesday, 3 April 2024, 04:32 PM
1 of 1 users support this suggestion
Contacts search best match
für die Rückwärts suche wäre es schön wenn in der Contacts app anch best match gesucht werde könnte.

Beispiel ein Eintrag für Firma abc mit Rufnummer 012554477
jetzt ruft jemand von dort mit der Durchwahl 77 an und in der INNO wird angezeigt abc 77

For the reverse search, it would be nice if you could search for a best match in the Contacts app.

Example of an entry for company abc with phone number 012554477
Now someone is calling from there with the extension 77 and the INNO displays abc 77
Picture of Muschelpuster
Registered 7 years 288 days
Muschelpuster Wednesday, 3 April 2024, 05:45 PM
Re: Contacts search best match
Nice idea. Do you need to store the number with 0125544*? This is not dialable for outgoing calls. So, it's required to define that entries ending on a wildcard will only be used for incoming calls.
From the perspective of split DDI blocks in Germany, this is difficult. Maybe we should have a look at others, e.g. Estos. They will mark such search results with a leading tilde, so you will see ~abc 77.

Picture of Michael 4939
Registered 4 years 182 days
Michael 4939 Thursday, 4 April 2024, 09:09 AM
Re: Contacts search best match

I think about without Wildcard on another pbx it works like the following.

The entry is 0125544 without any Wildcard then you can use it for outgoing calls with enter the last digits.

And incoming for the best match you see abc 77

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