Picture of Michael 4939
Registered 4 years 182 days
+4 −0 Open for Voting
Michael 4939 Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 01:45 PM
4 of 4 users support this suggestion
Switchboard: Suchen nach gruppen Namen / search for Group names
Bei größeren Installationen wird das Besetzlampenfeld unübersichtlich.
Schön wäre es wenn nach den gruppen Namen im Besetzlampenfeld gesucht werden könnte und dann diese Gruppe geöffnet wird

In larger installations, the field of Busylampfield becomes confusing.
It would be nice if you could search for the group names in the Busylampfield and then open this group.
Picture of Chris 556
Registered 13 years 145 days
Chris 556 Friday, 1 March 2024, 04:36 PM
Re: Swichtboard Suchen nach gruppen Namen / search for Group names
I would extend this to the softphone as well. Sometimes you need to contact someone in a department (not a specific person). For example, you can search for "sales" or "technical department".
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