Registered 12 years 46 days
+5 −0 Open for Voting
Tobias 847 Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 02:22 PM
5 of 5 users support this suggestion
myApps: Possibility to configure myApps usage from extern per user

at the moment there is no possibility to configure which user is allowed to user myApps or the softphone from external.
For security reasons this is not good.

Also for example every e.g. "trainee" could use it from external..

So please implement an option to configure per user/configtemplate if he is allowed to use myapps from external or not.

For example, there is already the option "ReverseProxy", which controlles that for H323 and SIP Phones.

This option should also control the myApps funktion via Reverseproxy.

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