Picture of Robin 3214
Registered 7 years 270 days
+5 −0 Open for Voting
Robin 3214 Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 11:50 AM
5 of 5 users support this suggestion
Other: myApps client list in advanced UI
For myPBX, there was a section in PBX at the advanced UI. Here I could see which client version which user has. For myApps, this feature doesn't exist anymore. For softphones, this information is available since v13r3 but for all non-active softphones, this feature is not available.
Picture of Michael 4939
Registered 4 years 182 days
Michael 4939 Friday, 15 March 2024, 03:13 PM
Re: Other: myApps client list in advanced UI

You can see it in the pbx regestrations. But only if the user has startet his Softphone
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