Picture of Giulio 990
Registered 11 years 245 days
+1 −0 Open for Voting
Giulio 990 Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 10:23 AM
1 of 1 users support this suggestion
Switchboard: Display outgoing call status
In the old operator software when making an outgoing call, it was possible to view the status of the call. Is it possible to do the same? Immagine.jpg

Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 7 years 242 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 07:42 PM
Re: Switchboard: Display outgoing call status
Hi Guilio,

To have a better understanding of your suggestion, can you explain me the use and necessity of this change in colour/state.
As operator/switchboard user, you can already hear the difference if the call is in calling state (ringback) in the beginning of the call or in the connected state once the call has been answered by a person or announcement (unless the destination provides ringback as announcement)

Picture of Giulio 990
Registered 11 years 245 days
Giulio 990 Thursday, 22 February 2024, 01:26 PM
Re: Switchboard: Display outgoing call status
Hi Karl,
I think it is just a habit problem, the 'operator/user before had used old operator software. He often has to remove the headset and move from his location.

Picture of Giulio 990
Registered 11 years 245 days
Giulio 990 Friday, 5 April 2024, 05:05 PM
Re: Switchboard: Display outgoing call status
Hi Karl
I have upgraded my system in the lab to R14r1 sr2 and the 'busy problem has been solved. (see Images).
What can I do? Desktop.rar
Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 7 years 242 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Monday, 8 April 2024, 01:16 PM
Re: Switchboard: Display outgoing call status
Hi Giullio,

You mention " the 'busy problem has been solved."
and ask "What can I do?"
If you have still have an issue with the Switchboard App please open a support ticket at support@innovaphone.com with problem description, screenshots and log console log of the Switchboard App and PBX config attached.

Thanks in advance,


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