Picture of Richard 3284
Registered 7 years 229 days
+1 −0 Open for Voting
Richard 3284 Thursday, 1 February 2024, 09:10 AM
1 of 1 users support this suggestion
Other: New app: Routing/Location profiles

I have a suggestion for a app that can be very helpfull for users.

A app where the user can create profiles/locations and predefine some routing options:

- Which groups should the user be in
- Which phone should be called (hardphone, mobile myapps, computer myapps and so on)
- What forwardings should be set, not effecting the forwardings set by the administrator of course.

When defined it should be easy for the user to select a profile. Manually but maybe also by a time/date schedule?

There should be a admin app where the administrator can define and set those profiles for a user.

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