Picture of Dorian 5194
Registered 3 years 265 days
+4 −0 Open for Voting
Dorian 5194 Thursday, 28 December 2023, 10:18 AM
4 of 4 users support this suggestion
TechAssist: Email notification for failed tests

This app is even better than the SNMP to trigger specifics issues. In my case I would like to send the failed test automatically via email that I can be informed for exemple when the trunk sip of customer x has failed

Would it be possible in the future to send an email when a test fail ? or a summary email of all failed tests.

Picture of Alexander 5816
Registered 2 years 311 days
Alexander 5816 Friday, 10 May 2024, 04:43 PM
Re: TechAssist: Email notification for failed tests
Hi Dorian,

you can already create a email notification with the "smtpClient" function of the Javascript package.

But you can only create a mail notification in the expert configuration mode.

Please turn on the expert mode and insert the function.

A description of the function can be found here:

I hope this help you.

Kind regards

Alexander Maier
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