Registered 12 years 172 days
Tobias 847 Friday, 14 July 2023, 07:48 AM
UsersAdmin: Make deploying of DECT Handsets possible via UsersAdmin
Deploying of Innovaphone DECT Handsets should also be possible via UsersAdmin.

At the moment, the Customer needs to have the devices-app to administrate Handsets.

Implement it like the gigaset app, with gigaset it's easy, but for your own hardware/mobiles, there is no solution! :/

Thanks, Tobias
Picture of Bernhard 1993
Registered 10 years 55 days
Bernhard 1993 Wednesday, 6 September 2023, 09:13 AM
Re: UsersAdmin: Make deploying of DECT Handsets possible via UsersAdmin
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