Picture of Sascha
Registered 5 years 212 days
Sascha Friday, 23 June 2023, 10:22 AM
Visual Studio 2022 and Innovaphone SDK
Hello everyone,

is it planned to make the SDK compatible with Visual Studio 2022?

We would like to prevent that we have to install two versions of Visual Studio.

Andreas Fink
Moderator Registered 12 years 348 days
Andreas Fink (innovaphone) Friday, 23 June 2023, 10:33 AM
Re: Visual Studio 2022 and Innovaphone SDK
Hello Sascha,

at the moment we have no plans to port a current VS plugin for 2019 to the VS 2022.

We will implement a command line based tool instead, that can be used with other IDEs too, instead. However this project is not in work at the moment.

For the time being the only solution is to use VS 2019 for innovaphone App projects. You can run 2019 and 2022 on the same machine without any drawbacks (despite some drive space): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/install-visual-studio-versions-side-by-side?view=vs-2022

Best Regards
Andreas Fink
Picture of Sascha
Registered 5 years 212 days
Sascha Friday, 23 June 2023, 12:34 PM
Re: Visual Studio 2022 and Innovaphone SDK
Okay, thank you for your repley.
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