Picture of Daniel 450
Registered 14 years 33 days
Daniel 450 Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 05:22 PM
Master / Slave communication

i have test a lot but maybe i didn´t test enough so i hope you can clear my thoughts.

In this post https://forum.innovaphone.com/moodle2/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=27138 i read in the first answer, that you could send to any pbx and they will be sync.
But in the first post i could read also RCC.
I tested a lot and i think it depends on the pbx api. If you could send to each pbx or you have to use a specific websocket connection of an app objekt on a specific pbx.

Is it right that for PbxApi and PbxAdmin Api you could send to each of the PBX App Websocketconnections?

But for the RCC PbxApi you couldn´t use any connection, you have to use the correct one?
And to communicate with RCC to an object with a blank PBX name (obj.loc) configured you have to choose the master pbx connection?

If there is more to consider in the master/slave scenario, a hint would be greatful.
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