Andreas Fink
Moderator Registered 12 years 289 days
Andreas Fink (innovaphone) Monday, 24 April 2023, 11:18 AM in response to Wim 4127
Re: SetInstancePassword message from C++ service
Hello Wim,

i have just tested with the following steps:

Connect to AP Manager via URL ws://

Use "ap" as app name. The App Object of your app must have enabled "ap" on the Apps tab, in order your app can get login for the "ap" app:

send to PBX {"api":"Services","mt":"GetServiceLogin","app":"ap","challenge":"11e939967cb528e4"}
recv from PBX: {"api":"Services","mt":"GetServiceLoginResult","digest":"46a1c7bf...d0fb2e63", ...}

After authentication is done, you can test if the WebSocket connection to the AP Manager API is working by sending message type "ServiceControls":

send to AP: {"mt":"ServiceControls"}
recv from AP: {"mt":"ServiceControlsResult","controls":[...]}

Te set a password of an instance use message type "SetInstancePassword" with "Webserver path" as the instance identifier:
{ mt: "SetInstancePassword", "path": "", "pwd": "1234567890" }

Best Regards
Andreas Fink
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