Picture of Edgar 4724
Registered 5 years 38 days
Edgar 4724 Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 08:37 PM
IPVA Lan Speed information

I noted that the information in Maintenance, Diagnostics, Counters, ETH0 show me a limit of 10 Mbit/s, but in our VMware host, we have 1Gbps LAN ports.
Also, during a web conference, I monitored the traffic in IPVA Counters, and in the vCenter, Network Realtime monitoring, and I saw some divergent information.
In IPVA Counters, the traffic reaches 10 Mbit/s but at the same time, in the vCenter Network monitoring, the traffic was just 1,5 Mbit/s (see attached prints).
Have you ever had the same situation?


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