Picture of Uwe 2460
Registered 9 years 130 days
+3 −0 Open for Voting
Uwe 2460 Thursday, 4 November 2021, 09:58 AM
3 of 3 users support this suggestion
PlatformManager: sorting app instances by domain instead name
Hello everyone,

we have cloud environment, where app platform is used as shared resource. This means, there are multiple instances of an app, they all have the same name (e.g. contacts) but different domain names.
Name is the 1st column in table of instances and it is also the sort criteria by default.

When configuring, starting or stopping an instance, the table of instances is new reordered, because 1st column name entries all have the same value.
If you sort by 2nd column manually before doing above actions, then rows in table are also reordered by 1st column again.
This is a little bit confusing, when the rows are “jumping” in table.

The table of app instances should be sorted ascending by 2nd column "domain" by default.
For standard installations with install.htm, this has no relevant impact, because sorting by 1st column applies only for the 2 files app instances (backup-files, files).
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