Picture of Sebastian 2884
Registered 8 years 249 days
+1 −0 Open for Voting
Sebastian 2884 Saturday, 23 January 2021, 08:56 PM
1 of 1 users support this suggestion
PBX/Config/myApps: ability to use a variable for the build number for "launcher software update"
it would be a nice thing, to enter a variable in the pbx-settings at PBX/Config/myApps to cause the launcher to update to the version of the PBX, e.g. "$currentBuild":


Nico Finzel
Moderator Registered 10 years 4 days
Nico Finzel (innovaphone) Monday, 25 January 2021, 04:59 PM
2 of 2 users consider this post helpful
Re: PBX/Config/myApps: ability to use a variable for the build number for "launcher software update"
If you update via Devices App, the build number for myApps is automatically entered into this field.

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