Picture of Jean-Francois 1756
Registered 10 years 249 days
+3 −0 Open for Voting
Jean-Francois 1756 Tuesday, 5 January 2021, 08:26 AM
3 of 3 users support this suggestion
myAPPs-Mobile: Pickup a incoming call on Android

When we pickup an incoming call with myApps on the Android phone, we need to comeback to home screen and myApps is opened.

It is not the case with all VoIP application when you pickup a call with « whatsapp » or « messager » or « Microsoft Teams », you have directly the app

It is a problem because the enduser is sometime "not friend with IT technology", he need to pickup and to have directly myApps like a Whatsapp, Teams.. ect smile

Do you think that is it possible to implement this kind of function?

I would be a basic function in a VoIP app (just my feedback)


best regards,

Picture of Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 8 years 5 days
Karl Pennings Kally (innovaphone) Friday, 18 June 2021, 10:44 AM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: myAPPs-Mobile: Pickup a incoming call on Android
Under the hamburger menu, settings, go to Calling accounts.
Activate myApps within the calling accounts settings from Android.
Now you can answer the call directly from the Native dialer from Android.

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