Picture of Richard 3284
Registered 7 years 357 days
+1 −0 Open for Voting
Richard 3284 Friday, 7 August 2020, 11:20 AM
1 of 1 users support this suggestion
myAPPS-Mobile: Autoswitch Audio routing between headset and handset

When using the myapps on a mobile the audio should be automaticly switching to the bluetooth headset or carkit as soon as this comes available. Now you have to switch at the moment a call is alerted and that doesn't go well at all times.

Richard Bonkestoter
Picture of Volker Schmid (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 13 years 91 days
Volker Schmid (innovaphone) Wednesday, 12 August 2020, 10:18 AM
Re: myAPPS-Mobile: Autoswitch Audio routing between headset and handset
Hi Richard, most likely your request (and vote) could be related to this already present request. Volker
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