Picture of Andre 2766
Registered 8 years 318 days
+10 −0 Open for Voting
Andre 2766 Friday, 3 January 2020, 09:14 AM
10 of 10 users support this suggestion
MyAPPs: Call note in myapps

it would be nice if there was the possibility of a conversation note in myapss. This can then be forwarded to a colleague via chat or e-mail. The note should automatically display the contact details.

(Edited by Domenico Cicero (innovaphone) - original submission Friday, 27 December 2019, 10:27 AM)

Picture of Christopher 3891
Registered 6 years 343 days
Christopher 3891 Friday, 18 September 2020, 10:16 AM
Re: MyAPPs: Call note in myapps

i used that feature so often in ESTOS ProCall and it was very usefull to me! Would love to see that in the PhoneApp!
Picture of Daniel 450
Registered 14 years 108 days
Daniel 450 Sunday, 9 January 2022, 01:40 PM
Re: MyAPPs: Call note in myapps

we know this feature of the estos procall cti client. We have also a customer who use estos procall cti client parallel to the inno cti client, because of that feature. So we developed a callback app for myApps it hasn´t be launched yet, because the paid app store of innovaphone is still pending. But if you like i could present you the app. Call us www.MediaRunway.com.
Maybe we will make a video of the app functionality in the next few weeks and show this on our website.
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